Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Of Police and passports

So there we were sitting in a bar in the red light district at the back of the hotel having a beer or five, its cheap and safe down there as there are so many police and door staff about and as its our 2nd night down there we don,t get hassled.
So we come to leave and as we got round the corner to the hotel we got pulled by 4 cops all with AK47,s,
"Passports please" say they, we havn,t got them with us sir as we are so close to the hotel and we were worried about being robbed.
This is very serious we will have to arrest you and take you to the police station overnight,
bruce offers to go to the hotel and get the passports as I wait with them,
this offer is rejected, so we argued some more and I,m getting pissed off, Bruce is tryng to shut me up and placating the cops at the same time,
I,ve had enough and say so lets get on with it arrest us and we will sort it out at the station, but Bruce dosnt fancy a night in the cells , I on the other hand don,t care at this point ( a stupid mix of alchohol and adrenaline)but I was fairly sure they were bluffing
After more argueing a compromise was reached, if we buy them a drink it could be sorted,
"but we dont have any money we both shout" determined not to give a blatant bribe
" if we had any money we would still be in the bar here or drinking in the hotel"
" we are but skint bikers travelling around your wonderfull country sirs"
We could see the glimmer of victory on the horizon.We had both automatically put our notes and change in different pockets earlier and when we pulled out our change from our pockets it came to about 50p
But we cant get a drink with this they said, but its all we have we say lying through our teeth.
Result-------- They gave us the change back in Disgust and we shook hands and said goodnight


Linda said...

Way to not give in to them! You guys would be great peace corps volunteers ("But we haven't got any moooneeeey!"

-cheers, Linda in Togo

Rainey & Jon said...

cricky - scarey stuff - you got bottle - glad you didn't end up giving it to them - the beer bottles that is.. ;-)